Bookish thoughts

I ought to have a reading plan as I am a writer so reading consciously is part of the deal, however much I hate organisation and schedules they are inevitable and must be factored in some how or other.

So, right, number 1) – I have discovered this cool American novelist called Jennifer. Her book is about a ‘River Demon’. I have not got very far with it what with one thing another but I did start and found that it is very readable and that she is a good writer and obviously deserves the support and recognition she has received thus far. Of course she is under horrible pressure to produce a ‘best seller’ so if I can help her I will.

It put me in mind of a wonderful track I found on YouTube some years ago and now can’t retrieve although I will try. This was a huge hit and so if her work was paired with it who knows what forces might be enabled.

And on from this: I diligently made a plan on goodreads including some commercial names, Lisa Jewell et al. and the more interesting offerings (to me) that were proffered.

It seems that people care what I think and dare I say I might even be some sort of trend setter, even at my age. Well that is a privileged position any day of the week so I intend to take this as seriously as I can without letting it/them (?!) suck away all the joy that reading and writing has always brought me.

Jan-Feb 2023

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